Monthly Archives: November 2012

Turkey Day on the Oregon Trail

Not really the Oregon Trail, but after driving all day it sure felt like it.


I’ve always traveled for Thanksgiving, but this year was a first for me. It was the first time Kari and I made the choice of which city in the Northwest we spend Turkey Day. So, last Thursday, I took a big step in the life of a married guy: I spent my first Thanksgiving away from my immediate family.


We took off for Toledo, Oregon to enjoy a Northwestern Thanksgiving with Kari’s sister Mandi and her fiance, Todd (plus doxies Scooter and Brody). Oregon is a great place year-round, but the  joy of the holiday, some time away from home, Rogue beers and many laughs made the weekend light and the conversation easy.



Thanksgiving 2012 was amazing and gave gave me many things to be thankful for, mainly having awesome in-laws. I was worried I’d be sad and missing my parents over the weekend (don’t worry, I was. It’s been two months since I’ve seen my folks), but my in-laws made it a trip to remember. Here’s to the many years ahead of splitting holiday’s between Oregon and Washington.



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TRX to the rescue

Since last spring, I’ve been kicking my own rear-end to get my health into high gear. It’s become priority number one, just don’t ask why I let it slip so far. You’ll hear a list of excuses like a fourth grader who lost his math homework for the third time. Today, I’m down from 215 lbs to 173 and not done yet. There are no diets, pills, gimmicks or anything less than me pushing the envelope in this story. But one thing has been lacking; consistent strength training.

I’ve tried gym memberships and either can’t afford them or don’t want to drive before/after work. With my notoriously weak joints, I need solid muscle to keep those puppies held together. We’re talking joints made of putty unless I do something about it. That’s what lead me to the TRX.

I’ve started slowly, doing knee and shoulder routines to get my weak spots up to speed. Now I’m ready to starting a strength program.

I picked the TRX for a few simple reasons: it’s amazingly portable and can be used almost anywhere, it’s body-weight resistance training, amazingly versatile and there is no shortage of how-to videos online. Seriously, millions of TRXers put videos online to keep us newbies inspired and no one loves free advice more than this guy!

My left knee has been recovering well, the isolation training has been exactly what it needed. Single leg lunges and squats, specifically, have been my get-ready-for-snowboarding motivation and they’re working.

For my sad little shoulder, the TRX “Y” and “T” moves have been what my physical therapist said I needed. My shoulder was make worse in the past by lacking upper back strength. Near nightly routines on the TRX are taking care of that for me.

I’ve realized it’s time to take strength training seriously or my body will keep reminding me of my shortcomings. I’m not trying to lift 435 lbs at a bench press competition, but I would like to do some pushups with claps in the middle. That, and by next spring maybe my 35 lb backpack will feel like a feather while we’re out on the trails. Who knows, but I like the direction I’m headed.

One thing I can promise is the simplicity of the TRX keeps me coming back for more. The possibilities are endless and I can do my workouts anywhere, anytime. Like off the roof rails of our 4Runner.

Here’s to a fit and healthy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours!


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